Paine Hamblen Expands Estate Planning, Business Transactions, and Real Estate Team

Paine Hamblen welcomes the addition of Daniel B. DeRuyter and Erik A. Kukuk to its Spokane office.

For 35 years Dan has practiced business and tax consultation, succession planning of ownership and management, the formation, merger, sale, and acquisitions of business entities, and estate planning. Before attending law school Dan was a practicing CPA. Dan will continue his law practice in Paine Hamblen’s Business Transactions, Estate Planning, and Taxation business groups.

Erik is in his seventh year of advising clients on succession planning of ownership and management, the formation, merger, sale, and acquisitions of business entities, securities, real estate transactions, and real estate development. Erik will continue this focus in Paine Hamblen’s Business Transactions, Corporate Law & Securities, Real Estate Transactions, and Real Estate Development groups.